| May 10, 2013 was our two year dating anniversary.She thought that was all we were celebrating!She had no clue what I was up to.I had been searching for weeks for the ring,and the perfect place to propose!And let me tell you it wasn't easy,I found it The Olives Restaurant at the Bellagio,on the balcony over looking the water show.8:00 reservations and and the water show is every 15 minutes,in case u was wondering.I ordered our drinks as we waited for them to bring them to us ,I excuse myself to the restroom, I got to get my SWAG back!!!!Because Im so nervous my hands are sweating, my throat is SOOOOO DRY,where are those drinks.I return before the next show ,Im all in Folks it's go time,I asked the table behind us to record,as the show started and her attention is on it,I pull out the ring,go to one knee,I say DARNITA!!! She turns and is stunned for a moment, WILL YOU MARRY ME! She yells YES,the balcony erupts with cheers and clapping!As I KISS and hold my Queen in my arms there is no luckier man in Vegas!!Thank You Baby I LOVE YOU !!!! |