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Anyone that knows me will tell you that until something sparks my intrest I don't  pay it much attention. Richard hadn't spoken one word to me and seemed to know this right away. So one day I'm steaming some type of food in this giant steamer , that I could fit in , and over walks this guy that I've seen every now and he strikes up a conversation. I remember thinking that he was funny and trying to remember his name . He walks away and comes back with a cup of water drinking it ,now remember  I'm standing in front of a hot steamer! I asked why he only came back with one cup of water and where was mine? He says that he is going to go get me one even though I told him it was ok . He came back with the water and a piece of paper with his name and number on it and walked away. I was shocked and his name was RICHARD! I was definitely intrested so I took a few days to do   a "background check" :), asking about him and finding out what section he worked in deciding if I  wanted to  date someone at work. Again anyone that knows me will vouch that I sometimes, occasionally...,misplace things(they usually find their way back to me) LOL. One of the best decisions I ever made was handing Richard that piece of paper with my number on it. I love reading romance novels and little did I know then how much being with him would make me feel like I was living in one.

I saw Darnita at work,Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in Washington DC.Her smile and laugh is what caught my attention! She was bright like a star shining in the night sky,I just had to find out who she was.I asked around but of course nobody knew who I was talking about. The real kicker was in my search, DARNITA decided to go on vacation,I'm looking high and low no DARNITA. I thought maybe she was a contractor,I was disapointed,but low and behold who turns the corner,you guessed it Darnita.So I made my move she was frying chicken,I'm playing the smooth role,and walked up on general conversation just started talking.I was drinking water and she said that's messed up to do that in front her!We laughed about it,so I left and went and got her a glass of water,she was a little surprised that I got one for her, so later on before she disappeared again I would give her my # and see what's good! So no phone call after a day or two I said she must have a man! The next week in the hallway she walks up and SAYS,I LOST YOUR #,And handed me a piece of paper with her #!! We went on our first date, The National Air and Space Museum, I used that I'm new in town and I didn't know my way around DC,and would she show me the sights ,my own cute tour guide.We have been together ever since.