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The Couple
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What is your middle names? Tera Ann (given as a traditional family name), Brian James (given because it was a liked name)


Who asked who out? Brian asked Tera


Who said I Love You first? Tera


Do you have children? 1


Do you have pets? 1 Dog - Leela, 1 Cat - Angel (also repsonds to satan)


Did you go to the same schools? Nope


Who is the most sensitive? Tera, just by a hair


Favorite place to eat? Orginal Fishing Company


Where is the furtherst you have traveled together? Flagstaff, AZ


Who is the sweetist in the relationship? This is a tie; we are both very loving and kind to one another


Who has the worse temper? Tera 


Who does the cooking? Brian


Who is most stubborn? Tera


Who wakes up early? Tera! Brian does not know what a sunrise looks like


Where was your first date? Ratskuller, Old World Village


Who has the bigger family? Brian


Do you give flowers often? Brian gives flowers enough times in a year but not often


Who eats more? Tera


Who does the laundry? It is a shared 


Who drives when you are together? That depends on how far we are going


Who is the first person to admit they are wrong? Brian, because he is usually wrong  


Who wears the pants? That is still up for debate


Who has more tattoos? Brian, by 1


Who is more likely to steal the covers? Tera


Who is more organized? Tera


Who is needier when they are sick? Tera


Who is afraid of hieghts? We both are, short people problems 


Who is a night owl? Brian


Who has a sweet tooth? We both do


Who controls the remote? Brian, but Tera picks the show/movie