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Carnival Cruise Lines - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
Our Story
Wedding Party
The Wedding Day
Special Thanks
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We were just young teenagers when the universe brought us together. What we didn't know is that the universe would continue to bring us together throughout time. Dispite the different paths we went down we always came back to each other. We would go months without speaking and then out of no where we would get together and hang out. We became the best of friends, telling each other things we would not have said to others. Things that were private. Things we needed guidance with or just a shoulder to cry on. We had our special hide out . . . the Ratskeller located at Old World Village in Huntington Beach. We had our first date there. O' yes. We tried dating multipule times. Sadly, our timing was always off. Then something changed. Brian left. He left for a great reason. He had an amazing opportunity for a career that wasn't Fry's. For the first time ever the fear of losing him was real. See we have always been close. Right around the corner. Now, he wasn't. That sparked a never ending analysis of what we meant to each other. The truth of the matter is that we are the rare soulmates. We are beyond blessed that through everything we get to have the love we are meant to have.

I will never forget the day I met Tera. Everything about this day was out of the ordinary. My best friend being grounded, another friend I rarely hung out with wanted to hit a skate park in Huntington Beach and meet up with some girls he knew across from it. The bus that was a straight shot there wasn't running that day so we took the Beach Blvd line. It wasn't long that I discovered my friend was a terrible navigator. We ended up at the ocean with him unsure of the exit we should had gotten off at. He took us left when we should have gone right. We ended up skating in circles all day trying to find our way to the park. By the time we found it the sun was heading for the horizon and we were too tired to skate. We went into the girl's neighborhood instead. Then there she was...I remember her eyes capturing my attention first, they still pull me in to this day. She had a beautiful smile, with a touch of mischief, to compliment them. She had a colored plastic pacifier necklace on, a symbol of the day of someone into the Rave/EDM scene. I found out she could talk like one of the guys but still had her feminine ways. I realized she was someone I could get along with. I got in trouble that day as it was dark at this point and I no longer had money to get a bus home. Time to let mom in on the adventure I had failed to mention to her and beg for a ride!

Friendship came naturally. I'm not big on long talks on the phone but could spend hours talking to her. We shared so many likes and enjoyed learning of the ones we had of our own. We could go months getting lost in finding our way through our young adult lives but still managed to know everything about each other, down to our deepest thoughts and secrets. Even though our lives never synced enough to elevate beyond a friendship for long we still never lost each other. Then just as we had started figuring out ourselves and paths it seemed to come all together. It seemed that all the forces that could break that constant gravity pulling us toward each other in the past were now gone. It felt as if it was part of fate's master plan all along.

I have felt love for her in some form since I was a teenager. It started as a love for who she was, to the friend she was to me. Then came the butterflies of the possibility of more, until we eventually fell into each others hearts for good.  The girl I liked became the woman I love until one day the clarity came that my soul mate had been so close all along even when half a world seperated us. I can't wait to have Tera become my bride and never be further than my side again through the rest of our lives!