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Find a Couple's Registry

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Roberta Lobg and sensi hill
Grace Lee and Adrian NguyenGrace Lee and Adrian NguyenSeattle, WA
Bettina Love and Zach DerozanBettina Love and Zach DerozanLas Vegas, NV
Brittney Gallion and Wesley Luce
Taylor Leslie and Michael Fitzko
Miressah Lessard and Derrick AucoinSorrento, LA
Jacqueline Louderman and Kaitlin RollJacqueline Louderman and Kaitlin RollJonesboro, AR
Katelyn Bourne and Jack LundbergSacramento, CA
Hannah Coon and Jarret LaLuzerneSanta Rosa Besch, FL
Camerin Lockey and Andrew Duffy
Kristy Kay Lofria and George John RentzKristy Kay Lofria and George John RentzRICHLAND CENTER, WI
Celina Carreiro and Erik Lane
Cindy Thomas and Chris Lowe
Amanda Lakes and Catherine Hartling
Shamera Stewart and Tres Lacks
Ally Loveless and Killian MooreAlly Loveless and Killian Moore
Stacy Bell and Kenneth LeathersStacy Bell and Kenneth LeathersHomosassa, FL
Joseph Paxton and LeeAnna LelandJoseph Paxton and LeeAnna LelandNORTH FORT MYERS, Florida
Courtney Lenzner and Gabriel Boone
Jaymee Landman and Brian CampCamarillo, CA
Heidi Langley and Bradley Miller
natalie leos and chris cruznatalie leos and chris cruzEl Paso, Texas
Alyssa Lane and Joshua DurantAlyssa Lane and Joshua DurantStephenville, TX
Bri Maikisch and Shawn LisaBri Maikisch and Shawn Lisa
McKenzie Leeth and Evan Luttrell
Koda Nohner and Hunter Layman
Cierra Lewis and Andrew YorkCierra Lewis and Andrew YorkPOWELL, TN
Wendi Balthrop and Robin LundinWendi Balthrop and Robin LundinSyracuse, UT
Jessica La France and Sean MooreWindsor, CA
Spencer Lindsey and Cecelia BarnesSpencer Lindsey and Cecelia Barnes
Brianna Brooks and Ryan LITTLEYBrianna Brooks and Ryan LITTLEYHillsdale, MI
Loretta Lund and James Donat
Tanner Martin and Tiffany LyonsTanner Martin and Tiffany LyonsLeesville, La
Camille Avila-Lunday and Chase LaheraSan Antonio, Tx
Shamaya Corbin and Arzine LeeShamaya Corbin and Arzine Lee
Tanya Smith and Aubrey Lundy
Jeffrey Lamparter and Michelle HornKnoxville, TN
Tyler-Joseph Ballard and Lyndsey LiebrechtTyler-Joseph Ballard and Lyndsey LiebrechtWinooski, Vermont
Breanna Lee and Paeton McFarlin
Andre Paasewe and Bonnie Layer
Jonikki Lee and Christopher LeeRowlett, TX
Briana Lee and LAMAR WORRELL Sr.
Jill Hansel and Dewayne LaRueJill Hansel and Dewayne LaRueArab, AL
Jennifer Lucas and Wes MauldinNorwood, NC - North Carolina
Christina Clayton and Chance LileyChristina Clayton and Chance Liley
Heather Leahr and Christopher McLaughlinHeather Leahr and Christopher McLaughlinWellston, Oklahoma
Madelyn Lacroix and Tyler FritzPleasant Prairie, WI
Tracy Luck and Paxton Elberts
Alexis Leija and Michael Finley
Ragan Lewis and Thomas Ryan Scott HallMiddletown, OH

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