If you ask those around me - most would probably tell you they gave up on me settling down, and even I thought I might become a 40 year old bachelor. I’ve had my share of relationships and bumble dates - but nothing that inspired me to settle down. And just when I was gonna take a break from dating, I stumbled across the profile of a cute nurse. She was a great combination of cute, funny, country and fancy. We instantly bonded over our love of 80s music, college football, and the hazards of online dating. We’ve been inseparable since our first date, and I’m continually impressed by her ability to put up with my nerdy interests and her willingness to join in my random hobbies. I look forward to all our future concerts, adventures, and bowling alleys. And bless our future chubby, nerdy children. Love you boo boo - can’t wait for the next level |