Alisha & Malayah
Alisha & Malayah

Wedding Party

Meet our "I Do" Crew!
Alisha Zellner

Alisha Zellner


Alisha was born and raised in Colorado Springs, CO. Live E.P.I.C. is her life motto and her favorite phrase post 2020 is "Google Me". She's a runner turned triathlete turned cyclist, but football occupies the sporty part of her heart. She loves getting into shenanigans and making onesies a part of every occasion. She has the most fun going on travel adventures and bringing her family and friends along with her whenever she can.
Layah Stamps

Layah Stamps


Layah was born and raised in Aurora/Denver, CO. While she spent her younger years shooting hoops and tearing up ankles, she now enjoys video games and leisure rides on her bike. She's a huge fan of anime and reading books.
Stasia and Xan Brandsma

Stasia and Xan Brandsma

Flower Crew

Alisha has lovingly called these two "Mother" (Stasia) and "Grandma" (Xan) since they were born. They are the littles of our beloved friends Jenny and Nathan Brandsma and we are so excited to have them lead us down the aisle. They are full of spunk and make playing board games an adventure. Stasia and Xan will be the life of the party on the boat and they'll help us navigate the waves after they spent a semester at sea a few years ago.
Quitta Carter

Quitta Carter

Maid of Honor

If there was a soulmate in a friendship, Quitta would be it! We met and bonded over football at a UTSA game while I was getting my Masters Degree in San Antonio back in 2012 and have been inseparable since. We've traveled the world and have gone on so many adventures in the last 10 years. She challenges me, encourages me, and is one of my greatest motivations. I could literally go on describing her incredible traits forever. My life is so blessed with her in it and I'm so excited to have her by my side for this next journey!
Jay Zellner

Jay Zellner

Bro of Honor

Alisha: Ah, my birthday twin! Not actual twins, for those who don't know, but we do share the same birthday, 2 years a part. He is one of the most magnificent human beings you will ever meet. Don't let the tough guy demeanor fool you, his niece has a way of melting through it all. Jay has been a constant support and advocate for our relationship, and that's always something you can wish for when you bring a partner home. I'm honored Layah chose him to stand beside us because their bond is something special. Layah: I obviously met Jay through Alisha! I was so nervous when I first met him, but as soon as we started talking, I could tell we would get along! As time passed, he began to feel more and more like my brother, and I am so grateful to have him be a part of this day!
Catie Joe

Catie Joe


My high school best friend and over 20 years of friendship. From driving up and down Academy belting Disney songs to running races in Disney World, she's the most magical friend I could have asked for. It's because of her I grew wings and finally left the state to experience life like never before. I stood by her side as she married the love of her life, and I'm so grateful to have her by mine.
Lamar Blackwell

Lamar Blackwell


Lamar is my brother...well, technically, he is my cousin... but we have been raised like twins. We lean on each other through the hard times, and we celebrate the good times together no matter what! I couldn't imagine him not being by my side.
Nicole Gibbs

Nicole Gibbs


My Heterosexual Life Partner (insert a Stick Up, the movie, reference) and favorite person to go to a concert with, especially in a blizzard at Red Rocks (the photo)! We met our freshman year at CSU with our Cluster 5 Family and she branched out with me into our first adult home as roommates. After almost 20 years of friendship, there's no one else I love belting Fall Out Boy songs with, so expect to see us at karaoke at some point. "You look so good in blue!"
Darain McClain

Darain McClain


I met Darain 4 years ago when I first started working for UCHealth. Our friendship was almost instant. He immediately fell into the "little brother" category. He was also there to help me decipher text and to help me sound cooler than I was when I first started talking to Alisha. So it would only make sense for him to stand beside me as I marry her.
Megan Tilley

Megan Tilley


My sister from another mister! Equally a part of the Cluster 5 Family freshman year at CSU and my favorite person to be on a boat with wake surfing. Her energy is like warmth from the sun and she's one of the most creative people I know! She, along with her mom and dad, have been one of the greatest gifts I was given in chosen family and I'm so excited to share this special day with them all.
Martin Keenan

Martin Keenan


I met Martin, or as I sometimes call him Keenan, four years ago when I first started at UCHealth. Working nights, he was the one who I would talk to. He is who I would bounce ideas off of, calm me down when I was getting too stressed with school, and make me laugh when I was having a hard time. He was also there when I first started talking to Alisha and has been there ever since.
Cady Lucas

Cady Lucas


Our story began as Orientation Leaders (2008) at CSU and grew into accountability buddies. She's my favorite person to be competitive with and reminds me of my worth every day. Whenever I need a foundation, she's there to provide it and ground me. She is a constant reminder that great things come in small packages. " I MEEELLLLTTTTTTT...."
Brittany Allen

Brittany Allen


I met Brittany when she first started working with me at WellPower. We immediately became friends. She has been there through some of my dark times and has helped me feel better. She is one person who can get me out of my shell and out of my head. I remember the first time we wet out in a group for work, and we randomly decided to go to a 6Lack concert after. Her spontaneity is one of her best qualities. I am so glad that she is able to be in my wedding.
Becky Siler

Becky Siler


An unconventional friendship officially blossomed from this very photo. We met while Becky was working with a semi-professional arena football team and had just moved to Fort Collins. She asked to come out with me on Halloween and of course I said "Yes". (I'm all about the more the merrier). The rest is literally an epic history of adventures. Her endless love is exactly what we need for our wedding.
Kayla King

Kayla King


Miss Winnipesaukee 2008 in the house! This picture pretty much sums up our friendship built on shenanigans. We met at the closing of Suite 152 in Fort Collins (2010) and she's one of my favorite dancing buddies. Look for her getting low and being the life of the party, because she's certainly been just that in my life. "SHOT TIME!"
Shanique Hudson

Shanique Hudson


A limo ride for a divorce party is how we met while trying to create our own book club. Shanique's enthusiasm and ability to sell you your own socks has made her such an important staple in my life. She's my balance and level head AND the only person who is always down for shots of tequila. The last 10 years have been such a joy with her by my side. You will find her absolutely rolling her eyes at my shenanigans but loving me through it all.