Why is the wedding taking place on a Wednesday?
For many years now, June 4th has been the most important date on the calendar for us. On June 4th, 2021, we became stranded in a dangerous slot canyon on a remote hiking trip in Escalante, Utah. Tyler rescued Lyndsey from the canyon, and Lyndsey and two strangers came back to rescue Tyler. That night at sunset, Tyler and Lyndsey made their relationship official. 61 years prior on this exact date in 1960, Lyndsey's maternal grandfather and grandmother eloped and started the Burke family. And three years after the canyon incident, in 2024, Tyler proposed to Lyndsey in Joshua Tree, California. We are incredibly grateful and fortunate to be able to become Man and Wife on such a memorable and sentimental date. Additionally, a wedding in the snow-less offseason of a town as picturesque as Stowe was only realistically attainable for us on a weekday. But mainly, we are not willing to wait until 2033 for our wedding -- the next year that our date falls on a Saturday!
Will the Bride and Groom be understanding if I am unable to attend the wedding?
Believe us, this question would not be listed on our FAQs page if it weren't an FAQ already. As far as the answer goes, we encourage all of our cherished family and friends to make the best decision that feels right for them and their loved ones regarding their attendance status of the wedding. We would love to have you celebrate with us, but if you are unable to attend, we will appreciate your effort to make an RSVP anyway, and we will imagine that your love and spirit will be with us on our day.
What is the dress code?
Fueled by Tyler's appreciation for once-in-a-lifetime events and Lyndsey's passion for dressing up in a classic fashion, we have decided our dress code will be Evening Formal Attire. Any formal attire will do, but the more sophisticated, the better the fashion, and the better the fun! The only restriction is just no denim, please, and that includes both denim jean pants and denim jackets. Our venue security has informed us that they will be enforcing this.