Kaitlyn & Kyle
Kaitlyn & Kyle

Celebrating our Love: The Robisons

Kaitlyn Cook Robison
Kyle Robison

November 5th 2022
Youngstown Ohio
851 Days Ago

Our Story:

After a decade long cat and mouse chase, "one that got away", and imperishable friendship, we have finally found our soulmate, best friend, and one true love in each other. Even through the heartbreaks and stressful life changes, our love has only grown stronger. Due to many circumstances, (including COVID related venue availability and living in Las Vegas at the time!) we decided to have a Fremont Street legal marriage ceremony, with the intention of pledging our lives to one another before God, friends, and family on November 5, 2022.

Some interesting facts about the bride and groom:

1. Kait & Kyle met while working at Rite Aid Pharmacy. Kait worked as a Pharmacy Technician while obtaining her B.A. in Accounting and Kyle worked security after returning from his deployment.

2. Kyle is a Combat Army Veteran who served during Operation Enduring Freedom. After his honorable discharge, he went on to obtain a B.A. in International Business.

3. Kait is a dual-licensed CPA and CFE with a Master of Professional Practice in Forensic Accounting.

4. Kyle loves Kait so much that he willingly watches Dr. Phil with her on occasion.

5. Kait & Kyle are avid NFL fans who actively support one another's teams (unless of course the Browns play the Dolphins!)