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Carnival Cruise Lines - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
Our Story

Jay's birthday is December 21st. So on December 15th we were supposed to be having a"birthday party" to celebrate Jay. Jay was supposed to be going to "the farm" with Thomas to do some work.... I went with Jay's mom, Shannon, to go get our nails done, eat lunch, and just hang out. 

-Back story: for Christmas I decorated the tree in the front yard like a christmas tree and I wanted a wooden "present" to put underneath. Jay made me this "present" but kept making excuses to put it out front....... 

So after Shannon and I were done with our day we came home and as we drove up I saw that Jay had put the "present" in the front yard and I said "FINALLY JAY PUT THAT BOX OUT!" lol. We got out, some of Jay's friends were already over. I went inside and then Jay REALLY wanted me to go out and look at the be honest, I didn't really care to look at it he literally pushed me out the door and we get to the box and he says "open it up"... I know I had the craziest look on my face at this point. So I open the box and there is a little boy (Little Todd) and a GOLDEN RETRIEVER in the box!!! My dream dog, other than Coco, has been a golden retriever of my very own! Little Todd said this is yours.... and I hear Jay behind me say "Look at her name" and the dog tag said "Will you marry me?"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I turned around and there is my sweet man on one knee with a beautiful ring in his hand!!!!! I then learn that Jay has been planning this all along and that all these people are here for the ENGAGEMENT!!!!!!!!!


December 15th will always be a day I will never, ever forget!

